The female body is designed so that at the time of sexual arousal, produces natural lubrication, which covers the vagina. As a result of external factors or health problems, this secret is underpowered. Women experience severe discomfort during sexual intercourse. To avoid discomfort, it is recommended to use stimulating lubricant, moistening the vagina and increases blood flow to the genitals.

Why lost natural lubrication
There are many reasons that lead to a decrease in the desire of women for intimacy and, consequently, decreased production of natural lubrication.
When the fair sex will become completely indifferent in bed or refusing a partner sex.
- Chronic diseases or inflammatory processes in the body weakens the immune system of women, depriving them of vitality.
- The presence of microcracks in the vaginal or genital infections, because of which there is irritation and itching. Girl feel pain during sex, so try to avoid it.
- Depression mental antidepressants or sedatives to reduce anxiety.
- Constant stress, problems with family or work does not allow women to relax and get pleasure from the sexual intercourse with your partner.
- Chronic fatigue makes the ladies apathetic.
- Hormonal changes in the body related to women aged 40 years also inhibits the release of nature's secret.
- Smoking, abuse of alcohol or drugs negatively affect the sexual life of the couple.
The above factors have a direct effect on the female reproductive system.
Natural lubrication is not enough, women cease to enjoy sex, which leads to a cooling of feelings between partners, depression and even disputes.
In this case, it is recommended to go to the gynecologist for examination, identification of the physiological causes of the problem and deal with them. You may also need psychological help to deal with stress.
Accessories for women
Quickly create intimacy and to maintain a good relationship with a partner, the fair sex is recommended to use special drugs that stimulate sexual activity at any age.
Modern lubricants for women does not only eliminate the problem of vaginal dryness, but also act as an additional pathogen.
The use of gel lubricants during sexual intercourse has the following positive effects:
- To help avoid injury to the delicate mucous membrane of the vagina, moistening it and making it more flexible.
- The Penis slide better during sex, which leads to increased sensations.
- To improve blood flow to the female genital organs, which increases the chances of getting orgasm.
- The antiseptic content of the additional components in the lubricant to remove minor infections and irritation.
The obvious advantages of using stimulating gels, lubricants convince many women need for their purchase. Women noted a significant change in the sex life of the partner, mood improvement and receive incredible sensations during intercourse.
The varieties of intimate lubricants
The entire range of gels for women can be divided into several categories depending on the involved components. You need to understand which tool would be most suitable, before heading to the drugstore to buy.
Lubricants silicone-based
Are the most popular. They have a number of significant advantages:

- Long absorbed by the vaginal tissue, extending to the sexual act without a growing sense of friction.
- Economical to use, because it does not require re-application.
- These drugs can also be used for fans of anal sex.
- Stimulating effect begins within a few minutes after application. The vaginal tissues become warmer and much more flexible.
In spite of this more positive points, noted a number of disadvantages fats based on silicone:
- The high price of such funds available not to all.
- Lubricate the silicone hard washed off the skin.
- Medicines leave marks on clothes and bed linen.
- Most of the gels with the same composition is contraindicated in concomitant with latex contraceptives. Silicone molecules react with the surface of the condom, without breaking its structure. Most likely the rupture of the latex the possibility of infection by sexual infections or pregnancy.
Lubricants for women are water-based
Not less popular than silicone. Many women refer to such advantages, these gels fat:
- Light texture, easy to wash.
- The ability to use with condoms.
- A hypoallergenic composition.
However, few are satisfied with what the tool is pretty quickly consumed.
It is necessary to apply again if the sexual act is prolonged, as a lubricant, which is water-based, rapidly absorbed by the vaginal tissue.
Oil lubrication
Effective need more stimulation.
Their composition contain additives, which has a warming effect, which act almost immediately after application.
The blood vessels of the external genitalia of women are on the rise, because of this enhanced sensitivity during sexual contact.
Such funds remove existing irritation, promotes healing of small cracks in the vagina.
Another positive quality oil lubricants is to contribute to men's erection problems.
But the fund, which is similar to the composition has disadvantages: the abandonment of traces, and the incompatibility of condoms.
When choosing a lubricant, a woman must consult a gynecologist who will suggest the most appropriate medicine, taking into account the characteristics of the organism of the patient and the intensity of her sex life.
How to use the intimate gel for women
In addition to the question, what grease is best to choose a woman interested on how to properly apply the products, in order to achieve the desired effect.
- After acquiring the funds necessary to test for the absence of allergic reactions. You can do this, put a small amount of grease on the inside of the elbow. If a few hours is not observed redness or itching, then the drug is not suitable for use. When you are planning to use a lubricant without a condom, the test for individual intolerance of components to be implemented and partners.
- Before the lubricant from the outer genitals, both partners should take a shower or perform hygiene procedures. It is important to do to get rid of too much bacteria and other contaminants.
- A thin layer of gel on the water -, oil -, or silicone-based covering of the genitals for a few minutes before sexual intercourse.
- If during intercourse wasn't dry and painful, suggest to lubricate the private parts again, use the larger amount of the drug.
- After sexual intercourse, both partners should wash off the excess grease with plain water, shower gel or soap.

Most sexual lubricants are allergic to the composition. If the initial test showed no intolerance, but after sex, women feel burning and itching, you should contact your gynecologist.