Men throughout life interested in machinery, women's arousal. The male genetic program constantly push to find a partner for sex. However, women are not in a hurry to jump into bed, carefully select your partner for life. How to ignite the passion of the girl? Is there a pill for women arousal? And if so, how to make a female agent at home?
The ancient aphrodisiac "Shpanskaya Mushka"

The medieval period is known as the most effective means of kindling of passion as male and female. Widespread in the XVIII century. Famous fans of the drug: the Marquis de Sade, Catherine II. Shpanskaya fly is a species of beetles as well as medicines, including these beetles are part of the (ointments, tinctures, powders).
So the potential of our days with their hands: the beetle lives in Russia, also found in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Has a green color with a Golden metallic sheen. Growth of around 2 cm long. The crop is collected in may.
Recipe exciting fly women:
1. Collect the required number of insects shpanskaya Mushka, dry and grind into powder.2. 20 g of powder added to 1 liter of alcohol.
3. In addition, the drug is infused in a dark place and used for food and drinks.
Be very careful, the active ingredient shpanskoi fly kantaris has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. According to some, too often it is used in large doses can lead to death.
Modern inventions
Messing around with bugs — not an easy task. Not everyone can run to the woods to find the right insects, and even dry them at home, which is presented everywhere. Many nuances: it is not always possible to be sure that you can catch and catch. Plus the difficulty dosage and side effects: "die of excitement" sounds good only as a metaphor. But the genius of modern men does not sleep, and invent new recipes, how to get a girlfriend so much easier to cook with their hands:
1. Remember what the blender, we need it.2. Break 1 egg.
3. Add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste.
4. Squeeze lemon juice (1 tsp.)
5. Take ½ teaspoon of mustard.
6. Pour a touch of hot pepper.
7. All carefully whisk blender.
8. Pour a glass of wine (dry).
9. Bring to a boil (the mixture starts to bubble).
Drink this drink should be hot or warm — it heats the sexual interest of women hot of the night. There are other recipes based on the grocery afrodiziakov, which is easy to make with your own hands. You can also buy ready-made stimulant specialized Internet pharmacy.
Natural remedies

In fact, mother nature has taken care of male sexual attractiveness in the eyes of women. Natural pheromone androstenone, a hormone that regulates women for sex. Androstenone is produced together with it the men who placed the body where hair growth (armpits, groin). To say that women do not like the smell of man sweat, and be partly right. But ask the right question, and you get a gun that can drive a woman crazy. When? When women smell androstenone and when, on the contrary, women feel the excitement?
The issue of the menstrual cycle. From the point of view of the nature of women, it makes no sense to have sex, if she can't get pregnant. So exciting fylhjcntyjy valid only for ready to fertilize the females. It is this natural pheromone, too many men in nightclubs, works as a strong pathogen of the female half.
So, ways and magical recipes excitation women quite enough. Some burst of passion, will cause an expensive car or a fat wallet. Million dream is to bed a celebrity. Open the main secret of the recipe, which is easy to do with their hands at home: take 100 % love and mix 100 % romance — the return is 1000% the most powerful sexual feelings! Only the love of a woman, and you will be rewarded.