Manufacturer women stimulant at home is not so difficult – the main thing is to choose effective prescription.
How quickly excited the women folk remedies

In ancient times, the recipe for sexual stimulation in women was part of a special insect called the fly shpanskoi. The manufacture of the composition of the collected adult individuals at the beginning of may. This was a light green bugs glitter and black stripes on the back. They are dried and make a alcohol tincture. 1 liter of alcohol was added to 20 g of crushed raw materials. The resulting composition is required for 3 months in a dark place.
Because this insect has toxic properties, doctors are advised to take the drug 5-6 drops, adding to drinks. Prescribed doses of this recipe do not harm women's health.
Thanks to the application of this composition can stimulate the synthesis of hormones and the production of fat. In addition, it improves blood flow to the genitals.
You can do this part yourself, you need to collect insects for a certain period – in may or early June. It was at this time, they multiply and develop. It is important not to confuse shpanskuyu flies and other insects. In the middle zone it is a Golden sheen on the back, and the South has a reddish tinge. In any case, the insects it is a pearl shade. Individuals reach a length of more than 2 cm
Estimates show that another effective recipe for women is part of this composition ingredients:
- a quarter of a small spoon of hot pepper;
- half a small spoon of mustard;
- 1 egg;
- 1 small spoon of lemon juice;
- 1 big spoon tomato.
To make a useful composition, all the ingredients you need to whip in a blender. The resulting mixture, add a glass of dry wine and heat over low heat, waiting for the appearance of the first bubbles. After that, the composition is ready for use. Estimates show that it is best to drink 30 minutes before anticipated sex.
Natural pathogens
Increase the content of sex hormones in women, it is recommended to use exotic dishes. So, in special cases, you can afford the testicles of the lamb. It is recommended to fry in butter with onions.
Another excellent stimulant are nuts. Many of the women witnesses a mix of sesame, peanuts, almonds, walnuts. This recipe also contains honey. If you can make and use the composition daily, tangible results can a week. It is recommended to take a tablespoon three times a day.

The great aphrodisiacs, which very well affect sexual activity are foods, such as parsley, dill, cilantro. Also useful to use celery and dill. So effective composition, it is recommended to chop the vegetables and add a little olive oil. This structure is much better absorbed.
Estimates show that to achieve the desired effect, it is enough to consume 20 g of the product three times a day. Recommended for 2 weeks.
The perfect remedy is a couple of glasses of champagne, combined with an appetizer made of oysters and lemon juice. The reviews confirm that it is very useful to use olive oil along with the artichokes.
You can also use effective composition in the form of an erotic dessert. For its production need to take 8-10 egg yolks of quail eggs and whisk in honey. Then add fresh raspberries or jam made with these berries.
At the same time, soak in cold water a big spoon of gelatin. After swelling, the part you need to put on a small fire and wait for complete dissolution. It is important that the gelatin does not boil. Then the composition is cooled and add to the protein mix. Serve the dish chilled.
Manufacturer women stimulant simply. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to include in the diet of certain foods or the use of a powerful recipe. In any case, it is very important to observe the principle of regularity – only in this case it is possible to achieve stable results.
How to help the woman quickly excited: folk remedies
Taking pleasure in sexual intercourse depend on the mutual desires of men and women. When one of them or both feel mental or physical fatigue, experience daily stress at home and at work, they are very difficult to tune in to the wave of love and joy. In such cases, the invaluable assistance agents, which improve the libido and increase vitality.
Drugs that increase libido. use not only men and beautiful women. Women actively use them in battle to the cold, and also the aim of realizing sexual potential and overcome shyness in bed. Women, even those who were previously unfamiliar feeling of orgasm, you can begin to experience, given the sexual substances.
Causes of declining libido in women

Lack of sexual desire is not so rare problem among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Libido in women can be affected by several factors, however, often the problem arises against the background of a particular psychological state:
- Teen-aged fear;
- the boring and monotonous sexual relationship;
- relationship problems with a partner.
Aphrodisiacs have the following effects on a woman's body:
- Improve moisture of the vagina, which greatly facilitates the penetration of the penis.
- The rapid stimulant effect: overwhelming sexual desire and libido happen in a few minutes.
- A significant increase in skin sensitivity.
- To strengthen the orgasm is longer and more vivid.
The first signs of sexual arousal in women can be noticed already a few minutes after the use of aphrodisiacs. A woman becomes more sexual and uninhibited, his breathing accelerated and nipples harden.
Use aphrodisiacs love to each other partners can diversify sex life, get back that opportunity and former passions.
Therefore, a stimulating drug, used in ancient times and the DOS has not yet lost its popularity. In the middle ages tools that increase libido in women find only traditional healers who for centuries have studied the mechanism of action of certain substances on humans.
"Aphrodisiac" plants to excite a woman

Jasmine. Collected flowers to dry, grind and fill a thermos. Raw pour boiling water (0.5 l) and insist in a warm place for an hour, drain. Use 1 times/day 100 ml instead of tea.
Arnica. You need to take the dried flowers of the plant (15 g.), grind and brew boiling water (400 ml). Take a few hours before sexual intercourse in 50 ml.
Pink Radiola. Rhizome plants, chop and pour boiling water (300 ml), to insist 2 hours in a warm place. Apply one hour before sexual intercourse 2 tsp.
Raspberry. Is quite effective the female agent. To prepare the mixture, whisk (preferably with a mixer) a few quail eggs and add them to the chopped raspberries (100 g.), this also put a bit of honey. The mixture was thoroughly mixed and store in a cool place (refrigerator). The resulting tool is used daily 10 grams 2 times/day: lunch and before bedtime.
Plantain and nettle. A mixture of these plants is the most effective aphrodisiac for women. For its preparation must take the seeds of plantain and nettle in the ratio of 1:1, grind into powder, add raw materials into a glass container and add a little honey. Composition stir thoroughly and place the container in a windowsill, let it brew during the week. Apply daily 10 gr. before dinner.
Ginseng. Is the most popular natural substances for women. Under its influence the human body there are certain biological processes that affect the increase of libido.
Fenugreek. The use of this plant, because the pathogen is another delicious way to solve the problem of low libido. Properties of fenugreek seeds were known to the ancient peoples of Greece, Egypt and Rome. The taste of the plant is a little like toffee or maple syrup, used to flavor dishes and spice blends. In india fenugreek leaves are eaten as a vegetable. Tools made of fenugreek, for centuries, used to increase libido in men and women, in addition to these medicines help to improve the condition of the breast tissues and to increase lactation in lactating women. Some even argue that this sexual help increase breast size.
Aloe. You need to take a few leaves of the plant, wash thoroughly and chop. The resulting slurry combine with honey in a 1:1 ratio, mix well. Take daily one spoon.
In most cases, libido is not a serious problem and its solution, as a rule, are available for almost every woman. Sometimes women for some reason can make the drug itself (basic laziness, lack of time, etc.).
However, to improve libido it is not necessary to strain yourself by preparing different mixtures and infusions, simply include in your diet certain foods.
Because of the natural aphrodisiacs you can:
- create a romantic atmosphere;
- to fully relax, to get maximum enjoyment;
- enhance sexual desire;
- fast, effective and long-lasting orgasm;
- the release of even the most stuck and stesnitelnuyu girl;
- to prevent painful menstruation, pathological processes in the mammary glands, genital venous congestion, coldness of the way to achieve orgasm.
Depending on the perception, natural aphrodisiacs for women can be like the taste (of ingested food) or obonyatelnimi (odors).
The best erotic scents of her will be the following aromatic oils:

- Rose oil will ignite a woman's passion, rejuvenates the skin and prevents its aging. Just add a few drops of rose oil in the bath, soak for 10 minutes, enjoying the floral scent.
- Ylang-ylang is the most popular aphrodisiac used in expensive perfumes and cosmetics. It quickly evokes sensuality, attraction, because of its spicy and warm aroma. Oil can be added to a diffuser or take him to the bathroom.
- Bergamot oil – improves mood, eliminates anxiety, depression, helps women to easily and quickly vacant out of bed, relieve stress and fatigue. This oil can be used for erotic massage, and add it in the aroma lamp, aromakulon.
- Jasmine oil helps to relax, calm down, improve, remove, cold, contradiction, gives confidence. This oil can be added to cosmetic products: body gel, cream, tonic, shampoo, or use a massage, drip a few drops in the bath, in an aroma lamp.
- Oil of ginger. Many believe that ginger is a men's fragrance, but it works also women. He spared infertility, to relieve sexual impotence, makes a woman desirable, feminine, relaxed. Thank you imbirnomu oil girls easier and easier to respond to the imagination of men.
Buy essential oils to enhance the intimate atmosphere in women, it is necessary to take into account that only a natural oils has a strong stimulating effect. Synthetic analogues of oils to increase libido are not suitable.