Female sexual arousal – one of the great mysteries of nature. If men are able to experience sexual attraction for a few seconds, then the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can only dream about it. Unfortunately, not all men know how to turn a girl.
It is worth noting, the most important and obvious fact – all women are different. One of the young women to feel sexual arousal, you will need several passionate kisses, another pair of familiar words, the third will not start without the stimulating massage.
And yet, psychology, anatomy, and life experience shows that there is a standard, time-tested methods of excitation of the woman.
What it is, a Horny girl? Languor of the whole body, hot, vagina, fuzzy look – typical signs of sexual arousal in women. The surrounding world ceases to exist in my head are no longer any rational thoughts. Animal instincts want to escape, the body demands the continuation and, most importantly, the final discharge.
Signs of sexual arousal in girls
As a rule, a girl needs 15 minutes of active and passive affection, to experience these emotions. How this mysterious process from the point of view of physiology?
During the active sex, particularly stimulation of the clitoris and the Breasts, the blood arrives in the genitals. Looks like moisture between my thighs increases the heart rate and body temperature, breathing quickens. Tense the muscles of the abdomen is another classic sign of the excited female body.
Male and female arousal – the distinctive features:
- Men's attraction to the girl, the event quickly. A typical example: the street is a gorgeous woman with a good figure. Mini skirt and high heels accentuate the beauty of long legs. Bright, but not makeup, well groomed hair, nice smell... How many men watching this seductress, to feel sexual arousal? Yes, almost all!
- Women all more complicated and confusing. People can be quite ordinary appearance, the "beer" belly, bald little resemblance to the athlete. However, it is popular among women. Why? Because he knows the psychology of women. Such a man is always at the top of the sexual Olympus.
Truth number 1. How to turn a girl on? Gives the impression of a strong man. Create the image of the conqueror, the dominant.
A woman wants a strong man. Someone who can defend in the face of danger. In this regard, modern women are not much different than their primitive predecessors. What man had a dozen mistresses, a few centuries ago? It, who killed more than all the animals and enemies that are in the best hunt, who was the boss in the house!
Physical factors of sexual arousal in women
And yet, no matter how hard to please girly "oddities" in the emotional sphere, there are two women's physiological factors, which cannot be circumvented:
- frequency of intimate contacts with women;
- day of the menstrual cycle.
If a woman has had a big break from sex, he is faster than his loving counterpart. Nature requires that your body wants affection and a man.
However, we cannot exclude past sexual experience. Intimacy should cause the girl to unpleasant memories, and the stagnation of the sexual sphere not be associated with painful associations.
Women always the time of the menstrual cycle is a different level of sexual desire. It is easier to turn a girl during ovulation and is the hardest just before menstruation.
During ovulation a woman experiences great sexual desire. This is a natural phenomenon predetermined by nature. During this period can get pregnant, so the woman is excited, easily and without much effort partner.
Before menstruation, on the contrary, sexual desire is almost zero. The reason for this high level of hormones in the body, irritability, abdominal pain.
The course is psychology. Compliments, conversation and atmosphere.
A woman always appreciates a discreet male attention. It flatters his vanity to help keep yourself in good shape. Most women do, to visit beauty salons and buy the sexy but not slutty clothes to please men.

Truth number 2. No woman will remain indifferent to sincere compliments. Words of admiration to excite!
Do you want to excite a woman? Express approval. One trivial sentence I admire, and the woman wants to continue the acquaintance. In particular, I appreciated the compliments about appearance (otherwise, why follow him?). Good note and a woman of intelligence, modesty, a cheerful disposition.
Classic compliments that will never fail:
- "You have a beautiful smile (nice eyes, soft hands)".
- "You're easy to talk to".
- "You look good in this dress (sweater, hat)".
A man's voice is a good helper, when the excited girls. Deep, wheeze, she set the woman on the right wave.
Truth number 3. Excite a woman, a man should speak softly and clearly, not losing any opportunity to touch his partner.
A man interested in a desirable woman. Now you have selected feel confidence in him. Because women like sex as something more than the natural need of the body. Mostly girls want to know your partner, you can feel its strength and reliability.
How a man can excite a woman? Simple and hearty conversation!
Truth number 4. Willing to excite a woman? Start asking questions of a personal nature: what he wants for Breakfast, what clothes he wants to wear, that most of the values of the people.
Women will never be in a state of excitement, if he is uncomfortable in the presence of a partner. Less discomfort that communication, the more likely men are to see the girls excitement.
If the relationship is already held in the company of chocolate and flowers, such as a strong exciting factor to approach talking about sex. A short story of a sexual nature, and whisper in the ear, causing great sexual desire in women. Therefore, it is impossible not to mention the fact that men love to see a spicy scene, and women talk about them.
Truth number 5. How to excite a woman? Invite her on a date, which is the power of the fantastic atmosphere.
A romantic date with a gorgeous climate, organized for the purpose of seduction. The final good secluded meetings are always equal sex.
Quiet music, the smell of flowers and flickering candles, soft drinks, light snacks – good atmosphere in the evening ready! If during the period in which man behaves kindly, maintain a light conversation, the woman in such a situation surely feeling sexual attraction.
The woman's head carries the thought: "What a cute, nice guy! It is, for me, that he worked so hard." A man who makes beautiful things, very exciting.
Touch and other exciting activities
Arousal in women will increase gradually, step by step. Especially with a new partner. Touch need to be discreet: if you want to remove the eyelashes of the eyelid, put your hand on the waist at the entrance to the restaurant to fix curl your hair. So soft, the touch of another is ultimately an important role.

Even women like long contacts eyes. The man who stares into the eyes of a partner, experiencing the interest. Maybe even admiration, approval. The look should be warm, with a faint smile.
Truth number 6. Almost all women get turned on by kisses on the neck and décolleté.
Kiss his neck, slowly at first, the language does not use. Best to start near the right or left ear, gradually moving to the center. After that you can work with. Lick a piece of the skin of the neck, blow and dream to lick. You can gently bite, pinch lips. And again gentle kiss her.
Began to caress the chest is from above the neckline, near the collarbone. Gradually sink down to his nipples.
Nipples are a very sensitive organ. They should be treated with particular caution. Circle the tongue around the nipple, gently squeeze the lips, gently kiss – a few such movements can excite the girl's madness.
Promote breast massage can melt even the most "snow Queen". The touch should be confident, but gentle. Alternate pinching, stroking, rubbing. Near the nipple, it is best to restrict the stroking and rubbing.
Women love to feel his body, strong male hands. It gave him a sense of security and reliability.
Truth number 7. Many women greatly excited slow stroking inner thighs and buttocks.
Intimate caresses or kisses you need to make wisely. One of the women in the excitation of the clitoris by hand – this is not acceptable, other will be happy to apply this lesson. Therefore, before you go directly to the place you need to check the soil. To make the right conclusions about the nature of women, way, education, world view.
Caress the clitoris hand, men should be soft and warm. A gentle, barely perceptible movement to touch the clitoris of a girl. In the second repeat the movement. Touch the clitoris with your fingers, almost not noticeable. First, you have to act carefully, slowly. Give the man a hand for a few seconds between the woman's thighs.
Now you can caress, gently squeeze the clitoris. Caress gentle intimate part of the female body rhythmically and gently. Well, when a man alternately stroking and squeezing. Imagine that the clitoris is the canvas and our fingers brush. Paint on canvas, diagonal lines, large and small circles.
The spontaneity, the men's excitement and dedication
Women like variety in sex. This is especially true for couples who are already together for many years. The usual sexual script does not do: the night, the children put to bed, darkness, a couple of timid kisses and straight to intimacy.
A man who wants to bring a woman should be able to imagine. Spontaneous sex after work right shoes fascinating! Right in the hallway, revealing only the genitals. If the actions are accompanied by laughter or words, full of passion, the man doesn't even need to caress the girl. Express the affection of the tongue and hands the second time. A couple of passionate kisses on the lips, and the woman weak passion.
Truth number 8. Unplanned intimacy to inspire women.
A man should never hide his excitement. Women want to see men's sexual desire. Should be cherished, irreplaceable – this is the dream of all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

Truth number 9. People can only say, strong sexual arousal and a woman has to surrender herself to him.
Nature is so natural, that women have to be strong man's shoulder. Women, who always dominates the intimate sphere, afraid that the man will not bring her pleasure. Therefore, it is easier to take matters into their own hands, than to experience the disappointment, shame and dissatisfaction with a partner.
To summarize. Turn to the girl, you need to:
- serve as a strong, self-confident man;
- to create sex atmosphere is romantic and intimate;
- make compliments;
- be a gentleman, talk to your partner;
- don't forget to "accidentally" touch a woman;
- imagination;
- has in its Arsenal a wide range of caresses.
What not to do!
- be aggressive;
- to speak loudly, argue, prove their point of view;
- always quiet;
- be bad to kiss and caress;
- thinking only of his own pleasure, to consider women as only one of the sexual object.