Not everyone knows who owns the wise saying: "a Woman should be loved, not understood". These are the words of Bhagavan Sri Rajneesh, known as Osho.
The book is "of women. Contact the women's spiritual power" is not the result of writers Osho, is a kind of abstract, recording conversations, the sage with his disciples. By the way, all the books Osho has a similar structure: question-answer.
The book as a source of mutual understanding between men and women

Speaking of women, the philosophy of abstrahere, calls himself "neither man nor woman, and consciousness". He said the extraordinary love and admiration. Osho told me, contemplating and admiring. After reading the book Osho, perhaps, many of us may reconsider their attitude towards women, the relationship between man and woman, sexuality, expression of feelings and awareness.
The song and the love of woman, Osho stresses men to him. Requires harmony in the relationship, believes the feminist movement is not a liberation but slavery. The wise man encourages a woman to use her feminine quality (the selection of women's spiritual power), such as wisdom, affection, sexuality. In addition, in this book, Osho sexuality to determine the specific position, pay attention to the sexual side of life, view it as something essential between the sexes. Woman is the source, beginning, love.
Book Osho "women. Contact the women's spiritual power" is recommended for men and women, seeking and finding understanding, and trying to understand yourself.